
If you are using the RELATE platform for scientific work, please include one or more citations, depending on your use case and modules used.

RELATE platform

V. Păiș, D. Tufiș, R. Ion, ”Integration of Romanian NLP tools into the RELATE platform”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing Romanian Language – CONSILR 2019, pages 181-192

TEPROLIN web service

Ion, R. (2018) TEPROLIN: An Extensible, Online Text Preprocessing Platform for Romanian. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing Romanian Language (ConsILR 2018), November 22-23, 2018, Iași, Romania.

Individual modules

Word hyphenation, Word stressed syllable identification, Word phonetic transcription, Numeral rewriting, Abbreviation rewriting

Stan, A., Yamagishi, J., King, S., Aylett, M. (2011) The Romanian Speech Synthesis (RSS) corpus: building a high quality HMM-based speech synthesis system using a high sampling rate. In Speech Communication 53(3):442—450.

Sentence splitting, Tokenization, POS tagging, Lemmatization

Radu Ion. 2007. Word Sense Disambiguation Methods Applied to English and Romanian. PhD Thesis, Romanian Academy, 148 pages (in Romanian).
Tiberiu Boroș, Ștefan Daniel Dumitrescu and Ruxandra Burtică. 2018. NLP-Cube: End-to-End Raw Text Processing With Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the CoNLL 2018 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies. Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 171—179.

Biomedical NER

Maria Mitrofan, Verginica Barbu Mititelu and Grigorina Mitrofan. 2018. Towards the Construction of a Gold Standard Biomedical Corpus for the Romanian Language. Data 3(4): 12 pages.
Tiberiu Boroș, Ștefan Daniel Dumitrescu and Ruxandra Burtică. 2018. NLP-Cube: End-to-End Raw Text Processing With Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the CoNLL 2018 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies. Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 171—179.


Radu Ion. 2007. Word Sense Disambiguation Methods Applied to English and Romanian. PhD Thesis, Romanian Academy, 148 pages (in Romanian).

Dependency parsing

Tiberiu Boroș, Ștefan Daniel Dumitrescu and Ruxandra Burtică. 2018. NLP-Cube: End-to-End Raw Text Processing With Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the CoNLL 2018 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies. Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 171—179.

For other projects or components not included in this page, please consult the corresponding "About" pages within the platform.